The army, armed police and procuratorial, judicial and public security organs have severed their ties with enterprises SMEs are the main force of the technological innovation in our country. 军队、武警部队、政法机关与企业脱钩中小企业是我国技术创新的生力军。
Legal or judicial security 法定或法院判决担保
Normal operating condition The funding mechanism for procuratorial, judicial and public security organs will be improved in order to ensure their smooth operation. 完善政法经费保障机制,为政法机关正常开展工作提供必要条件。
Exercising supervision over the legality of the investigatory and judicial activities of the internal security organs and the military courts. 对保卫部门、军事法院的侦查和审判活动是否合法实行监督。
If the judicial interpretation on security obligation is applied to legal practice, security of internet banking can be resolved in a better way, which can also balance the. 适用相关司法解释关于安全保障义务的规定,由网上银行对客户承担安全保障义务,能较好地解决网上银行的安全性问题,并平衡网上银行和客户间的利益。
Consideration of Ecological Security in Judicial& also on the Question of Ecological Security Legislation Existence 司法中的生态安全考量&兼论生态安全立法存在的问题
In order to punish the false evidence in criminal litigation, safeguard judicial order and security of jurisdiction, Chinese criminal law also stipulates perjury. 我国《刑法》也规定了伪证罪,其立法的目的在于惩治刑事诉讼中的伪证行为,维护司法秩序和审判权的安全。
Deficiency of civil liability in Securities Law of PRC is evident, and judicial practices of civil litigation of security is also at the beginning. 我国证券法中民事责任的缺位是显而易见的,证券民事诉讼的司法实践也处于初步的探索之中。
On the basis of the legislation and judicial practice in China, the present security measures can be appropriately modified and complemented so as to become an important part of the security measures system in China. 因此,根据我国的立法、司法现实,适时有度地对其进行修正和增加,使其成为中国特色保安处分制度的一个重要组成部分应成为刑事立法完善的重要内容。
The author analyses the guarantee function to the consumers of financial services and judicial organs about the security of financial institution of foreign countries and our country. 分析了国外与我国的金融行政机构对金融服务业消费者安全的保障措施及司法机关应当采取的措施。
There is difference as well as relation between legal aid and common law service, judicial reparation, social security, and administrative remedy. 盐酸二甲双胍的制备法律援助这一概念与一般法律服务、司法救助、社会保障及行政救助等概念既有联系又有区别。
In contrast, Chinese judicial system of solving social security disputes is in the stage of initial development. With different types and different subjects of social disputes, Chinese judicial system set up different organizations and adopted different legal regulations, procedures and principles. 中国社会保障争议处理法律制度则处于形成发展阶段,因争议种类、主体不同而设置了不同的解决争议的机构,采用了不同的法律制度、程序和处理原则。
On Judicial Remedies for the Rights to Social Security 论社会保障权的司法保护
Security in judicial conciliation has the same fundamental theory as security in civil law, and its application need reply to the later. 法院调解程序中的担保与民法中的担保之基本原理是相同的,在适用时需要参照民法的有关规定。
The right to social security have three paths of remedy judicatories: administrative litigation, civil litigation, constitutional litigation, and they constitute the tight system of the judicial remedy of the right to social security. 行政诉讼、民事诉讼、宪法诉讼这三种司法救济途径,组成了社会保障权司法救济的严密体系。
Important link in terms of just enforcement of law by the procuratorial, judicial and public security team 谈谈政法队伍公正执法的重要环节
Probing into the Judicial Cases Involving National Security and Freedom of Expression in South Korea 韩国国家安全与表达自由案例研究
The judicial process and the public security administrative law enforcement 司法程序与行政执法
The Challenges and Affects Brought from China Entering WTO on Judicial and Public Security Work 入世对政法工作带来的挑战及对策
But the basic technology of the digital signature store the unavoidable defect, which may cause the dispute in the judicial practice, such as security threat of signing and protection of user's rights and interests etc. too. 但基于数字签名技术的《电子签名法》,由于其基础技术存在不可避免的缺陷,也可能导致司法实践中的争端,如签名的安全威胁和用户权益的保护等问题。
Our Country is in the period of reforming that there inevitably happened conflict between right to report news and citizens 'right of reputation and privacy and national judicial authority, national security, and media tort cases is showing an increasing tendency. 我国正处在社会转型期,新闻报道权在运行中不可避免地与公民的名誉权、隐私权,国家的审判权,国家安全等发生冲突。近年来,新闻侵权案呈上升态势。
The third part is to food safety crime judicial cognizance, including food security crime crime number form, given circumstances of understanding and punishment for aspects, in order to better guide to food safety in the practice of criminal behavior that punishment. 第三部分是对食品安全犯罪的司法认定,包括食品安全犯罪的罪数形态、量刑情节的理解以及刑罚适用方面,以便更好的指导实践中对食品安全犯罪行为的认定处罚。
The third part of the legislation, law enforcement, judicial analysis of three aspects, explore the campus security incidents in the legislation, law enforcement and judicial problems. 第三部分从立法、执法、司法三个方面进行分析,探究校园安全事故在立法方面、执法方面和司法方面存在的问题。
Therefore, how to create a unified, comprehensive legal system and also a judicial system for the network information security become a major issue that countries need to focus on. 因此,如何建立统一、完善的网络信息系统安全法律体系成为目前国家需要关注的重大课题。
Judicial independence is the system security by which judges can exercise judicial power, its fundamental purpose is to achieve justice. 司法独立是法官行使司法权的制度保障,其根本目的是实现司法正义。
, after a long practice, feedback of judicial application to our growing network security is not under control of the information, but more and more serious information security alarm. 但是经过长期的实践,司法实践回馈给我们的并不是网络安全日渐得到控制的信息,而是愈来愈严重的信息安全告警。
Including the identification of the right to start setting, Expert witnesses to the improvement of the election, The introduction of the system of expert witnesses and the construction of the Chinese judicial qualification of the scientific, neutrality security model. 包括了鉴定启动权的设置,鉴定人选任的完善,专家证人制度的引入以及构建我国司法鉴定的科学性、中立性保障模式。
National legislation and judicial to equal right to employment security in western society civil-rights movement and various anti-discrimination campaign got vigorous development. 各国国内立法和司法对平等就业权的保障在西方社会民权运动和各项反歧视运动中得到了轰轰烈烈的发展。
Visible, the judicial relief of social security is the study of the law system of social security, also need basic civil rights protection and social security mechanism is the inevitable requirement of running smoothly. 可见,对社会保障权的司法救济的研究既是社会保障法律制度的现实需要,也是公民基本权利保护和社会保障机制顺利运行的必然要求。
As the oldest and the relatively more mature biometric technology, fingerprint recognition technology has been widely used in the financial, judicial and other security systems. 指纹识别作为最古老也是相对较成熟的生物识别技术,已经被广泛应用于金融、司法等安全系统。